
Phone Number Privacy

Log in with confidence - Your phone number is private by default and is not visible to other users on the app.

Your phone number is used for verification purposes only, and is kept hidden from other users in the app.

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Secure Messaging

Your chats are secured with end-to-end encryption.

Enjoy secure messaging inside your circles with industry-standard protocols for data storage.

Our cloud providers ensure reliable uptime and strong protection measures to keep our service secure and available for you.


Al Chatbot

The chatbot may make incorrect statements. It does not have knowledge of events after 2021.

Ask Al is powered by ChatGPT and has been designed with state-of-the-art security and moderation features to ensure your conversations are safe and secure.

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Safe Moderated Space

RTRO in-app messaging is safeguarded by cutting-edge AI LP models and human moderation, ensuring that users are shielded from any harmful content.

To provide a safe environment for everyone, we employ a combination of advanced Al and human moderation to monitor content on RTRO.

<aside> <img src="/icons/send_gray.svg" alt="/icons/send_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Have questions? Contact us


Illustrations by Mariana Gonzalez Vega